What a year it has been… Life is full of ups and downs, and this year has definitely been a year with alot of bumps in the road. But without the downs, the ups wouldn’t mean anything. I been fighting through some bad days, and by fighting I have ernd some of the best days of my life. I have some of the best friends in the world, and my family is always by my side, no matter what stupid shit i’ve done. I love my friends and family so much, and I appreciate every moment I get with them. They mean everything. This year I have grown so much, I have learned to enjoy life, and don’t wish away days, waithing for better ones. I have learned to speak up, I wont lets anybody treat me with disrespect. But the biggest thing I have learned, is to finaly love myself, I have made peace with the mirror, and I have watch my reflection changed from a broken girl, to a confident woman. Im proud. Im happy. Im loved. Im strong. And im so much more.

Happy New Year Everybody

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